On the 20th of February, ProEd, one of the consortium in Hwa Chong Institution organized a beach cleaning. The beach cleaning was held especially for the sec 1. The 2 beaches chosen were Changi Beach and Sembawang Beach. Although I am not a sec 1, I am there to help to supervise the beach cleaning and take care of the sec 1's safety. There were 4 classes of ProEd sec 1 so there were 2 classes at 1 beach.

On that day, all the participants need to arrive at 8:00 a.m. sharp in the morning to attend a briefing and a talk about Singapore's environment. After the briefing and the talk ended, the organizer assigned who should go to which beach. There were 2 teachers and 4 students assigned to supervise each beach. I was assigned to supervise the cleaning at Changi Beach with the senior Kong Wilson(ProEd). We boarded the bus around 9:00 a.m. in the morning at reached Changi Beach around 9:40 a.m. The sec 1s wore their gloves and they were divided into 2 person per group with a rubbish bag each. At both beaches, there will be a competition between classes to see which class picked up the most rubbish and the winner will get a prize. At Changi Beach, the two classes competing with each other were 1P1 and 1P2. All of them worked very hard to clean the beach.

The beach cleaning ended at 11:45 a.m. and all of the sec 1s looked very tired but they are anxious because they wanted to know if they had won. For the classes cleaning Changi Beach, 1P1 emerged as the winner and the classes cleaning Sembawang Beach, 1P3 emerged as the winner. After gathering all the rubbish at a suitable place, we boarded the bus back to Hwa Chong Institution and we arrived around 12:35 p.m. The winners were very happy but the classes that did not win were not sad as there will be another beach cleaning on 27 February so I am sure the classes who did not win will try even harder during the beach cleaning on 27 February.

Although it was a tired day for me,but I enjoy supervising and helping out the sec 1s especially when the weather is good and there is sea breeze blowing through me. I hope I can attend such activity again as it is fun to interact with the sec 1s and I will also gain CIP hours.

With Deepest Sympathy and Condolences
to the Family of the Late

Henry Lafayette Dubose
Departed On: 28 August 1960
Maycomb County Community Club

Mockingbirds come from the family of Mimidae, a group of American passerines that also includes thrashers, tremblers, and New World catbirds.. Mockingbirds are best known for the habit of mimicking the songs of other birds and the sound of insects and amphibians, often loudly and rapidly in succession. There are about 17 species in three genera. Brain studies have long suggested that Mockingbirds are usually bright and Mockingbirds have shown the songs can stimulate nest building behavior and that calls are good enough to fool other species. Mockingbirds can distinguish between human individuals and will attack persons they recognize as threatening.The birdscan recognize and remember people based upon as few as two encounters that can last up to 30 seconds.

Mockingbirds serenade the neighborhood for hours in spring and summer, often at night by the light of a full moon or nearby street light, because of the hormonal changes that accompany mating and nesting during this time. Mockingbirds can master 180 calls and more than 400 song types in a few months. Their own call is a musical burble punctuated with an occasional harsh tone.

I think there are berries plants like blueberries, cranberries and nice smelling flowers in 'To Kill A Mockingbird' as mockingbirds like to eat berries and garden insects.

The above is my multiple intelligence test result and I m quite happy with it. Although my Kinaesthetic and Linguistic are not as good as the others, but i believe everyone has their own weaknesses. For my Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Logical and Visual/Spatial, I am best in those 4 category and I am quite happy with that. I tend to improve on my Linguistic and my Kinaesthetic as those are my weaker points. I hope I can overcome those 2 weakness as soon as possible as I do not want them to affect my life. Lastly, I hope the things that I am good at will help contribute to others.